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Hariomics is an independent publication launched on 10th October 2024 by Ranjeev Hari. If you subscribe, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's published. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Hariomics to continue to exist. Thank you!
Stuffs that you see on Hariomics are thoughts from the main author on various topics. Topics range broadly on genomics; health; science; technologies like metaverse; spirituality on reality and self; psychology on mental wellness and hypnotherapy; and economics on price action. You will see alternative views, sometimes contrarian to the bore of mainstream thought.
Omics for the uninitiated
"Omics is in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, it is all around us. Even now, in this very sentence. It is the word that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth" - I just fancied misquoting Morpheus from Matrix, my all time favourite movie. Back to reality, simply put, Omics is the study of totality of its root word. For i.e., genomics - study of all genes in an organism; epigenomics - study of all the epigenetic factors in an organism. Likewise, metabolomics for metabolites, proteomics for proteins, biome for earth's biologics, microbiome for microbiota in an organism. For more madness refer Wikipedia - Omics.
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I dedicate this publication to my father Hari, and to my love, Hari.